Sunday 7 December 2014

Wales Assembly Government Natural Resources Minister

When I Correspond with the minister we expect the Minister to reply,you cannot hide behind Rhodri Kelly there is a clear dichotomy between a strict interpretation of the law and political direction
Grant to Pembrokeshire Coast Forum dominated by commercial exploitation of very precious assets,short term shamefull claptrap.
Grant to NT for Castlemartin Peninsula
To NT in partnership with 21c both guilty of disastrous harmful environmental acts. continuing degradation of the SSSIs in their care.
21c a body set up to attract grants with a proven record of wasting them , a record of using legal threats, to local activists and of taking on board as their own projects and taking grants  for which local societies have already completed.
National Trust legal bullying of concerned members.
South Pembrokeshire estuaries
All degraded all polluted by inaction of PCC PCNP NT all under the stewardship of one NRW employee who we thought had been disciplined
The domination by funding from the Refinery by their grant officer to further the degradation by him one NRW employee and one NT employee.
All this has been documented, with many FOI requests and monitor officer reports
You are ultimately responsible and should take this seriously

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