Friday 21 February 2014

National Trust blockage

 as part of the plan to turn Castlemarten SSSI into a freshwater marsh with a life of fifty years before it is  becomes woodland
Despite the high rainfall the water  level fell to its level an hour after workmen and a digger appeared on the beach

Thursday 20 February 2014

Quoits Mill Pill

 Some time ago I asked all the revelevant bodies whether they had given authorisation for this major invasion of an SSSI.
Natural Resources Wales accepted responsibility visited and told the person that work had to cease and soil returned. Each time I pass more material has been removed and a navigable channel has now been dredged to Pembroke River
 Heavy plant access
 New basin
 New Channel
UPDATE a contract has been issued this week to restore the illegal works to fence the area and to carry out legal action if the work continues.

Tuesday 18 February 2014


When we bought a house in the eighties it was protected by well maintained sea defences.
Thatcher introduced the Poll Tax later the Council Charge and then stopped sea defence maintenance.
Seven years later I had a letter from the local council saying that “the sea defences were at the end of their useful life”
I read the Council Tax Regulations, there was one ground to appeal to the valuation”that there had been a material change in the surroundings”
I appealed the valuation which was then reduced to site value , the council repaid the seven years charge .
But no one believed me I was accused by the council of destroying the value of up to one thousand properties localy.
As the block grant was paid by the charge collected, this would then be lost.
The council resumed maintenance and years later the scheme I had designed was completed at the cost of £7 million
So individuals can make a difference.

quote from relevant regulations

 "change of circumstances substantial physical changes have taken place in the area where you live since the property was first banded"
Every area where the flood defences have not been maintained or deliberately been abandoned can appeal to have their valuation to be reduced to site value and then say because the site cannot be sold for development that resale valueis non existent.
I did get valuation reduced and received seven years difference in charge refunded

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Toxic Waste Incinerator Pembroke Dock

A planning application 13/0818/PA has been applied to Pembrokeshire County Council for a toxic waste incinerator in Waterloo Pembroke Dock.

A Stack Height of 40m is proposed, when just 2km downwind is Cosheston CP School at an elevation of 43m .
The site is just above sea level and is on the flood plain.
This will be the SIXTH Top Tier COMAH site on the Milford Haven Waterway.
Just 20 unsustainable jobs will be produced.
The feedstock will be transported to the site via Road Tankers.
The site already has ground pollution from past uses.
Do not be misled by the proposed siting next to the present local authority waste disposal site the purpose of this incinerator is to burn toxic sludge from the oil power and LNG operations and very little if any domestic waste.
The technology proposed is outdated and discredited, the site with the prevailing winds is completely unacceptable.
Does PCC accept or guarantee protection of future flooding of the site, as at Rocky Park Pembroke.
We strongly recommend rejection it will never be acceptable to release heavy metals into the air, particularly so close to human habitation and with the UK downwind.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Freshwater West

With the removal of the Culvert part of the listed structure by the National Trust vegetation clogs the pebbles the water rises and the the Corse remains flooded, shame on the National Trust
Pebbles washed out of the bank

Saturday 1 February 2014

Castle Pond

Somerset and these parts of the harbour were last dredged in the eighties
Natural Dredging if the water is allowed to flow freely
 Not the highest tide

Inches below the barrage but the road part was overtopped