Tuesday 31 July 2007

Trees in Pembroke

Melissa Howells is telling property owners in the Conservation Area to cut down all trees within six feet of the walls without any regard for TPOs or the effect on the townscape.

Pembroke Top PondLNR This must stop now

The previous post showed trees being felled. I now know the reason THEY ARE OLD AND DECAYING. This illustrates the dangers of trusting the care of LNRs to local management.Decisions are taken with no regard for the value of old trees, the lichens bryophites mosses beetles bees wasps woodpeckers the list for a mature tree runs into thousands of species.
Short back and sides rule OK

Sunday 29 July 2007

Trees in Pembroke Conservation Area

Home owners are not aware or take no notice of the importance of trees to the Conservation Area. Trees above a certain diameter need permission before they can be cut. Nobody appears to take any notice. This must change before the appearance of Pembroke changes for ever.

A glimpse of the past Pembroke

Two men washing a horse in the stream on the Commons. This is what life should be about not a sterile inner city park every last surface manicured, it is there to be used.This is what would fascinate the tourists and give them something to remember.

Golden Brake Pembroke

At the start of the new boardwalk through the woods mature oak trees and underbrush have been cut down opening up the wood. WHY? Who has their eyes on developing this area. Already a clearing in the woods to the north of the road has been felled and fenced. This area is of crucial conservation value, enough has been damaged already.

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Front Street Pembroke Dock

At the recent display in the Market Hall Pembroke Dock artists impressions were shown with "this will enhance the environment and conservation"
A director of the company Martello Quays Development Keith Williams said to a group of local people after close cross questioning " I saw an opportunity to make a great deal of money".

We have not met any local person who is in favour of the "development".
County Councilor Brian Hall was in attendance, very aggressive and threatening to several objectors.
A public meeting was arranged for 2nd of July at the Pater Hall Clr Brian Hall, PCC, Keith Williams, John Turberville and Ted Sangster withdrew and released a press release saying.
"Where we have identified genuine concerns it is our intention to speak to individuals or groups to further explain our proposals and hopefuly in doing so alleviate" NOTE Not eliminate" the concerns expressed.
This individual approach is a far better and more effective method of dealing with issues than by means of a public meeting which by its short timescale will be dominated by a few."
Exactly the same argument used by PCC to stop concerned members of the public speaking at Planning and other meetings.
Is this an admission that Members of PCC and other officials cannot string two words together, that they muzzle articulate members of the public who are their employers.

Flood Prevention Scheme Pembroke Common

County Councilor Brian Hall boasts of this scheme. Can you still credit it as a flood prevention scheme when the new road surface is being raised even further? Nearly another million pounds of your and my money wasted.

Natural Disaster

All the trees of one species in several neighbouring woods have been completely defoliated by a caterpillar infection.

Animal Watering Trough Well and Spring

At the junction of the road between Sampson and Stackpole, north of the junction. Even now locals wash their cars and dogs at the roadside.

Pembroke North wall finished version