Saturday 6 April 2013

Enfocement of listing Corse Bridge

From Rutger Goldenhill Road Pembroke SA714QE 01646621449

Record number 5954

Corse Bridge and attached walled channel

The structure consists of three items,the bridge PCC the Chamber NT and the culvert on the beach below HW is excluded form that leased to the PCNPA.
This structure has drained maintained and stabilised the valley for more than two hundred years with little change and intermittent maintenance.
It it is a very important monument to Agriculture in Wales
PCNPA and NT have demolished the culvert without listed building consent.
The six farmers upstream are now in dispute with NT.
The SSI has been degraded since demolition and is no longer as it was a calcareous water meadow, denying its use to the seven farms.
The water level rise since demolition has killed off the invertebrates in the soil so it no longer feeds migratory and resident birds.
The EA intends to clear the waterways inland but this totally negated by the actions of PCNPA and NT
Despite the chamber being cleared in the last few days the water has to seep through up to seventy meters of stones,flooding the watermeadows.
See photograph 08121995 for structure before demolition it is exactly as in 1903
In breech of the
Waters Directive
The Eels Directive
The Habitats Directive
PCNPA consider themselves through Rob Scourfield to be acting for CADW
We consider that the structure should be rebuilt to function as designed in 1790.

Confirmatory photographs on loveito or
posts110213,240313,290313,020413,030413 and map 1869|

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