Saturday 6 April 2013


Dear Mr Jukes,
Thank you for your recent emails seeking clarification as to the extent of the grade II listed 'Corse Bridge and attached Walled Channel'.
I can confirm that the listing relates to the bridge, the 25 metre long open drainage channel with a path on each side and the retaining walls and the high retaining cross wall.  I have attached a map which identifies these structures.  The extent of any listed building is defined within the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.  Section 1(5) states that a listed building includes any object or structure within the curtilage of the building which, although not fixed to the building, forms part of the land and has done so since before 1 July 1948, and as such shall be treated as part of the building.
It is Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, rather than Cadw, that has responsibility for determining the requirement for listed building consent (lbc) and the extent of curtilage for the purpose of listed building control.  Lbc is only required for works which affect the character of a listed building as one of special architectural or historic interest.  In this instance, I understand that the Authority concluded that the outfall was a relatively modern structure, being mostly replaced after 1948, and that its removal did not affect the character of the listed building as one of special architectural or historic interest.  I also understand that the Authority does not consider that lbc is require for the un-mortared limestone blocks at the outfall for the same reason.  On this basis the Authority does not consider these works to be unauthorised and so the issue of listed building enforcement does not arise.
If there is any uncertainty about how the Authority has arrived at its conclusions you should seek further clarification from the Director of Planning.  Cadw has no remit but if you remain dissatisfied with the Authority's response it is open to you to ask its Monitoring Officer to investigate your concerns.
Yours sincerely,
Rhodri Kelly

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