Thursday 11 March 2010

Public Access versus survival of Rare Habitats

Pembrokeshire has a very small area of relatively untouched natural habitats which have not been manipulated by human beings. Cliff tops cliff and rock faces inlets with no land access estuarine wetlands abandoned by man in the thirties with the end of inshore fishing,mineral extraction and transport by sea. So much of this land is now being accessed, just because we have the technology, it does not mean tthat we should use it.
Leisure access, Coasteering is best carried out in Bluestone where there are no rare organisms to be disturbed or destroyed, RIBs roaring around the coastal littoral have no place in a National Park.
Today I photographed Fresh Water East once a machair turf the out door refuge for Pembroke and Pembroke Dock. Short turf a wildlife refuge with low impact small scale temporary dwellings.
In the custody of PCNPA replaced by one developer by gross obtrusive permanent buildings all of which recently have cut down the trees supposed to screen them to give full on exposure to all. Many built much larger than the Planning Permission, as the controversial house on the Parrog in Newport.
National Park beaches are dogs lavatories, free ranging dogs have made the bridleways lanes and beachs unusable by horse owners.
WE want the old footpaths maintained,blocked footpaths reopened not by private action but by PCP who are supposed to act for all of us. No new footpaths through pristine areas
The boardwalk through the Top Pond Pembroke wetland is a boardwalk too far, cyclists, free ranging dogs, and vandalism in parts which were until recently inaccessible.
The well meaning use of chain saws strimmers and the clearing of water courses to change a wilfdlife site to fit the preconceptions of those who provide the finance. Why did the site qualify for Conservation status in the first place
Much better to access by a screened path from LittleGates to a viewing hide not an exposed boardwalk with open "viewing " platforms  total disturbance of wildlife, or wildlife turned into pets by feeding do we really want the urban swans now fighting for food on the Mill Pond to pollute the Top Pond.
Anywhere else in the UK the dangers from such Coliform and Algal load are a Public Health hazard.  So why is the Mill Pond managed to become a stinking polluted mess, a danger to Public Health in the center of a Town.
The latest danger is the development of "All terrain " wheel chairs, I am disabled but would not be selfish enough to demand access to all areas of SSIs.
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