Saturday 3 December 2016

Pollution Pembrokeshire

 Farmers Union of Wales
25 days to save Pembrokeshire agriculture and kill off more wildlife and CONTINUE the pollution of ALL Pembrokeshire water courses in the process.
If you do not believe me remember the growth of poisonous green algae  on every stream river pond and estuary,not visible now as the cold has killed it off but it will all come back
All watercourses have out of date sewage treatment plants near their sources,
 the recently opened works at Lamphey has added to the problems for the Top Middle and Castle ponds  Pembroke.
Despite the very best efforts by Natural Resources Wales Bosherston Lily Ponds are silting up under the management of the National Trust.
We have tried voluntary agreements to control the pollution of our water supplies by a few obdurate farmers
It has  not worked
The Water Supply comes from Llys y Fran down the Cleddau extracted and treated at Cannaston Bridge.
Every year when cattle are let out to pasture life threatening microorganism are in the their faeces  flushed off the river banks and cause serious illness affecting the old and the young
Ian Campbell rutger The Green Pembroke Sa714QE   01646621449

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