Friday 20 March 2015

Eclipse using Solar Power Data.

0845 2.5 kw
0900 412 w
birds confused flying around
0914 378 w
all birds returned to roosts none flying
0900 150w
0922 220w
0927 190w
1 wren flying around sounding alarm calls
0928 215w
0929 224w
0930 241w
0931 241w
0932 288w
0933 blackbird dawn chorus
0934 jackdaw left roost
0935 sparrows become active
0937 doves call
0938 526w
0939 roosting blackbirds and jackdaws look around
0940 sparrows fly
0941 jackdaws call
0941 subdued movements but not feeding not normal behaviour not drinking or bathing.
1000 1.63 kw
1020 2.736 kw
birds flying but not normally active still subdued perching and looking around..

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