Saturday 1 November 2014

For Information and Comment

Justin Albert head of the National Trust in Wales has given blanket permission to demolish listed structures in the care of the National Trust around the Coast of Wales, with no regard to the historic and cultural values of the historic structures.
His justification is compliance with the Government policy of Managed Retreat,the abandonment of coastal defence structures on the grounds of costs.
But it is carried out without the formal requirements of Consent to Demolish or Alter a Listed Building
The relevant Planning Authority appears not to have been consulted,or perhaps consulted informally and the public are only aware after the demolition by stealth has been carried out.
After the present governments cuts and reorganisation of government bodies not one has the legal responsibility to enforce the relevant laws.
The labyrinthine lawyers paradise created by unthought out new legislation has allowed untold damage to be done our heritage in this last year.
The National Trust is driven to raise revenue by cutting costs, the environment is low on their list of priorities, wildlife is no longer their concern.
The relevant EU Legislation is ignored, this is a critical stage change of priorities within the National Trust.
The intrusion and damage is ignored and is accelerating to carry out destruction before we can change legislation.
I have fully documented with dated photographic evidence of the progression of the unlawful activities in South Pembrokeshire, with FOI print outs of internal emails from all the parties.

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