Monday 14 April 2008

Sustrans ,The Green Pembroke URGENT

This Path has been halted till they redesign it 14/04/08

The tree on the right a Horse Chestnut is being Crown Reduced, because the Sustrans Cycle Way will destroy the roots on one side, leading to its eventual death.

This mature Cedar branch to the right will be removed opening a large hole in the canopy leaving the ancient Hawthorns vulnerable to windthrow. PCC has carried out the previous felling of fifty percent of the trees on an area they do not own. Which they refuse to register under the Crow Act.

This pine tree will be felled on Wednesday on the recommendation of the TPO (Tree Preservation Officer). It is not dead, three side branches are dead, these side branches on the main trunk which is moved by the wind which causes the living tree to rub against the three dead branches which do not move in the wind. Cut the dead wood the living trunk will thrive. The TPO does not do his job as in the PCC Guidelines.
The final photograph shows the damage to be done to grade the path to the required one in twelve, three metre slope, an insult to capable cyclists.
Move the whole path North by Three meters there will be no damage to any trees. They have not looked at the Footpath Register, the path is NOT registered. So PCC can reroute it at will. The path as being built is across a narrow pavement footpath approx 1.5 metres wide to the edge of the road crossing with completely obscured visibility to the left and restricted visibility to the right. An accident waiting to happen.

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