Saturday 4 August 2007

Degradation neglect creating a public nuisance in preparation of a planning application

These sites were maintained a used as residences up to a year ago. They appear to have been abandonned in assumption that permission would be granted and they would be replaced by twenty five separate properties. This is the third modified application to be applied for. Note the weasel words STARTER HOMES used for all the properties, all will be out of the reach of local people let alone first time buyers. The area is already developed with what five years ago were desirable period houses in a conservation area. If we look at the history of the site there is little written evidence but it is a carboniferous limestone outcrop at the edge of a settlement which would have been used as a burial ground, shallow one foot excavations in the bedrock originaly covered by a low cairn which was lost centuries ago, the stones being reused for the extensive existing walls, which will be destroyed by the proposed development.
This is a Conservation area, the reason it was registered as a Conservation Area was the pattern of settlement the existing structures taken as a whole. PCC has no intention of enforcing the law or the custom and practice of a Conservation Area. (see ongoing adjacentdevelopment on previous pages)

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